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Friday, 23 November 2012

iPhone 5 Jailbreak Coming Soon...

It's out!!!! It's Great!!!! It's jail breakable? ... No! Well not yet anyways. Good morning to the world I'm going to start by introducing myself. I am Christian Lombardi, the aspiring hip-hop artist produced by Sean Strange (Queens, NY) and also a 1/2 Canadian/American part of the Hit Squad unfortunately not as "known" par say as Sean, PMD, Ngp(Raida, Stress, Odoub), Spade(Citizen Kane), but that's what introductions & sikk LP's EP's are for am I not correct?

 I have been an iPhone user/addicted since the first coming back when a 2G was the most incredible thing on earth, jailbreak? That is just as simple and unlike adding sugar to your coffee. Completely reversible. Then again like most MCL has a sweet tooth, and rather than throw my coffee away once sweetened I add cream/flavours never alcohol (virus' auto spam pop up's) there are always certain "add on's" that make Cydia turn your iPhone fully customize able, and able to work similar to Android because your not just locked with
Apple's "allowances" par say.

Your iPhone becomes what everybody I assume wants. A computer in your hand!! Along with my jailbreak links as soon as I don't just have word of them but get the full link & find the Redsn0w/Absinthe/Sn0wbreeze tool that can perform a  fully untethered jailbreak? Like my music. I will share with the world!! From my hearing there are jailbreaks for iOS 6 and as of right now they are tethered only, and only work on A4 devices. That kind of bum's me out but knowing that soon (Christmas I hope), they are getting very close to releasing the jailbreak that will solve it All!, A5, A6 devices I hope. I have recently joined the blogging community because as soon as it is able to be done? MCL like I said is going to share it with the world. I myself am very very upset that as of now I cannot jailbreak my iPhone 5 & do not have iFile for uploads/downloads as would with Cydia, but can only wait wait wait until it is released!!

Any questions? Feel free to ask.

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