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Monday, 10 December 2012

BBM 7 Adds Voice & More!

BBM is the best messenger around but it surely was missing some features one of which was BBM voice calling which has been added now in the BBM 7 update!

Yes, its true! Finally, voice chat has been added to BBM. You might be already thinking that this is a good facetime competitor, sadly, No as Rim has released no statement regarding video chat but Voice Chat is an amazing step forward itself.

BBM Voice includes a number of features:
  • Customers can initiate a BBM Voice call directly, or instantly switch from a BBM text chat to talk, and back again.
  • The split-screen feature allows customers to talk and text at the same time, so for example, they can send a picture to their contact while talking with them. They can also check other BBM text chats, check email or navigate to other apps while engaged on a BBM Voice call.
  • BBM provides a visual indicator that shows when contacts are available for a voice call.
  • BBM Voice is compatible with any accessories a customer has now for making voice calls on their BlackBerry smartphone, such as a Bluetooth or wired headset. Customers can also use BBM Voice over their BlackBerry smartphone's speakerphone.
  • If it's not an ideal time to talk, customers can simply choose to respond by texting back.
Apart from adding the BBM voice feature, Research in Motion has also added some other features in BBM 7 such as:
  • BBM upgrade notifications – BBM will notify you when there are updates to download straight from within the app
  • BBID Synchronisation – your BBM profile, Groups and Contacts are linked to your BlackBerry ID
  • 16 Additional emoticons – more choices available
  • Split Screen Multitasking for greater multitasking experience!

You can simply update your BBM messenger within the BBM App or head over to App World to make the upgrade/download! (You NEED to be running OS 6 or later)

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  1. im confused by this users can now use BBM? Thought it was just for Blackberries?

    "You NEED to be running OS 6 or later"

    1. No No, This is for Blackberries. I don't just post iOS news/updates as you can see a Blackberry & Android logo in my banner! :)
