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Monday, 17 December 2012

Leaked Blackberry Handset Looks Somewhat Like iPhone

iPhone 5 was released a few months ago, after its rival Samsung Galaxy S3 made it to the market. Blackberry is planning on releasing their next Blackberry on January 30th, 2013 and looking at these leaked photos, its going to be a massive iPhone rival!

According to a report by Mashable,  the above picture is of the upcoming Blackberry handset, the first to run Blackberry OS 10.

As Mashable states:
If the 18 photos of the device on are to be believed, the L-Series, code-named BlackBerry London, looks quite similar to Apple's iPhone 5. 
Yes, it does!
The BlackBerry-branded device in the photos has a rectangular touchscreen with a black bezel along the top 
and bottom of it. In the photos, the device is powered off, so we don't get a peek at the operating system yet though. 

What do you think? Would you switch from your iPhone to Blackberry if this turns out to be the actual upcoming Blackberry?

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  1. Nice looking Phone. I really do hope that this helps RIM to stay in the game!!! I am Canadian and wish to see the company survive and although the 2 owners screwed up badly and a new CEO should have come onboard sooner for those that love the BB phones, no phone competes with it. I say this as a former 4 year iphone user and a new Galaxy Note ll user so I don't even use BB phones anymore but i am not in business and work at home so its not a phone I need, but many do. Hope they support it!
