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Wednesday, 5 December 2012

How The Lockscreen In iOS 7 Should Look Like - Concept

iOS has seen many updates and improvements since its first release back in 2007 but we're humans, we can never be satisfied with one thing. Its human nature as no matter how much you do, how good you do, there's still room for improvement...

Below are some concepts of what iOS 7 should look like by brentcas from TheVerge, with lookscreen utilization as their main aim.

Brentcas explains:
The first new feature of the lockscreen is something I call "Lockscreen Cards." Basically, they're little informative slates that are connected to an app. You can slide between the cards in the same way that you slide between homescreen pages.(here's a little animationI made).
 Because audio playback is so important on the iPhone, when the Time & Date card is expanded, it will house audio playback controls. Double clicking the home button doesn't expand all cards at once. It's more like a toggle. So as you go through the cards the ones that you have expanded will stay expanded and the ones you haven't, won't. When you put your phone to sleep and wake it back up, though, all the cards will be returned to their compressed position.
Some cards are more insistent to have your attention than others. When you're getting directions, you'll find that Maps' Directions card will have usurped the Time & Date card (and it will have also overtaken the wallpaper to display a map).
When something has taken over the front card, though, it will also take over the app grabber. So if you're getting directions from the lock screen, the app grabber will bring you right back to that app. These apps might also want to give you options in a pull-up menu like when you're receiving a call in iOS 6. For instance, Skype might want to have a pull up option whenever you are receiving a video call to answer it, but make it a voice-only call.

I personally find the concepts pretty impressive, great work done by Brentcas. I believe all these features would come pretty handy. All we can do is hope iOS developers consider homescreen utilization in iOS 7.

(For more concepts and full post by Brentcas, visit TheVerge)

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